10 Good Reasons to Consider
Switching Your Insurance Coverage
When You're with A Direct Writer
If price, coverage and claims payment are important to you, remember that Allstate and State Farm “agents” work for their Company first and for you second.
When Premiums Increase Every Year
Sure, prices go up. But they can also go down. If you face “automatic” increases every year, either your agent is not able to change companies, or doesn’t wish to.
When Your Agent Doesn't "Shop" For You
You shouldn’t have to get the best coverage and competitive rates. Your agent should analyze your needs, and offer you options from which to choose.
When an Agent Doesn't Offer You "Risk Management"
Hints on reducing risk and installing safety devices (alarm systems, dead bolts, etc.) should be part of the service. They can save you money, as well as grief.
When You Hear from Your Agent Only At Renewal Time
You deserve to be contacted periodically, not just when a premium is due. A mid-year review on most coverages (to be sure they are still current) should be part of the service.
When You Call and It Takes Forever to Find Your File or Call You Back
When you call, it’s important! So, whether your agent, a customer rep or a secretary answers, your account information should be immediately available. An important part of the service!
When There's No Personal Claim Service
Let’s face it – when you have a loss, you don’t want to talk to a recording or voice mail or an ‘800’ number. You want and deserve a human voice and personal assistant for a fast, fair claim settlement.
When You Can't Get All of Your Coverage from A Single Source
Personal Lines and commercial coverages if you have a business, and life/accident and health insurance can all be under one roof. That way, no matter what protection you need, no matter what losses you suffer – you always know where to go.
When You Don’t Have Your Own Agent or Customer Service Representative
Insurance is a service business and you’re entitled to be served – not only by an agent, but by a customer service representative and a dedicated staff that cares about important business.
When You're Not So Sure About the Insurer Who Provides Your Coverage
“Stability” should be the name of the game when it comes to your insurance company. If you don’t recognize the name, or find that the company has a poor rating, it’s probably a good idea to get a second opinion.
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